IP Works® - IP in Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Administration

"So much more than IP Law!"

IP Works®  

See how IP Works® can put your business Intellectual Property assets to work!  

IP Works® specialist consultancy services and expertise, can assist and support individuals and companies prior to, and following entry into administration, insolvency or bankruptcy to identify, capture, value and realise the value of otherwise often forgotten or unrecognised valuable Intellectual Property Assets and other Intangible Assets.

Too often - even though it is incumbent on insolvency practitioners to maximise the value for creditors of a business which is insolvent, or in administration, insufficient understanding and action is taken to do so.

Equally, firms facing financial difficulty, often fail to recognise or adequately: 

    • assess, manage & reduce the costs of Intellectual Property Assets;
    • assess, realise and exploit the value of their Intellectual Property Assets by divesting non-core IP Assets and focusing on exploiting core IP Assets.

Again, often too little is done too late by insolvency professionals and advisors to share-holders and creditors in order to either avoid or more successfully pursue bankruptcy, insolvency & administration duties. 

IP Works® offers Total Intellectual Property Solutions (TIPS!) for businesses of all types, at all stages of their business life-cycle, including those facing financial difficulties, or those professionals tasked with the duty of successfully minimising & rationalising IP Asset maintenance costs, and maximising the exploitation of  both core and non-core IP Assets.

E: durham.grigg@ip-works.eu
Skype: durham.grigg
T: +44-(0)1298-78080
M: +44-(0)7411-433-958

IP Works® is about so much more than IP Law!  

IP Works® is about re-defining how real businesses, seeking practical, timely and effective answers, advice, support and solutions to their individual business intellectual property issues and outcomes, can glean and coordinate ALL of the necessary professional input they need through just one firm. 

With IP Works® you'll receive professional one-on-one genuine expertise from someone who will make it their business to fully understand: 

    • your business, its core business strategies and objectives
    • how its IP & technology assets impinge on those strategies and objectives
    • how IP Works® can help you to achieve a bespoke solution for you and your business, which will address and coordinate all of your business intellectual property needs.  



® IP Works is a registered EU Trade Mark

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