IP Works® - IP in Export & Import deals

"So much more than IP Law!"

IP Works®  

See how IP Works® can put your business Intellectual Property assets to work!  

Import & Export Deals!

  • Import & Export activity is key to building and maintaining the wealth and prosperity of nations around the global village.
  • Healthy balances of trade mean healthy economies.
  • A key focus of the services and activities offered by IP Works® is to support businesses within the European Community and particularly the United Kingdom, to identify and fully exploit the global export and import opportunities which arise on a regular basis, and which almost always involve the smart identification, protection and exploitation of business Intellectual Property Assets. 
  • If you or your business has a smart product or service which you want to export successfully, or have manufactured with a view to export and import of the products into the European Community/UK or elsewhere around the globe, then we can help.

E: durham.grigg@ip-works.eu
Skype: durham.grigg
T: +44-(0)1298-78080
M: +44-(0)7411-433-958

IP Works® is about so much more than IP Law!  

IP Works® is about re-defining how real businesses, seeking practical, timely and effective answers, advice, support and solutions to their individual business intellectual property issues and outcomes, can glean and coordinate ALL of the necessary professional input they need through just one firm. 

With IP Works® you'll receive professional one-on-one genuine expertise from someone who will make it their business to fully understand: 

    • your business, its core business strategies and objectives
    • how its IP & technology assets impinge on those strategies and objectives
    • how IP Works® can help you to achieve a bespoke solution for you and your business, which will address and coordinate all of your business intellectual property needs.  



® IP Works is a registered EU Trade Mark


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